We are delighted to welcome our guest blogger and friend to ChristFirstShop.com
Jodi Dupree from her blog Learning to Dance at todancewithyou.com
Jericho by Jodi Dupree
I walked up and down the wall
Seeing if my hammer would chip away
I said “it’s not working Lord!”
He whispered “Let me lead the way”
Pray as you walk the wall each day
Don’t fear the giants inside as you go
Keep marching and believing me
Stop looking at Jericho
No strength of man can beat this
So do as I say each day
Take your trumpet and your prayers
The wall will crumble when I say
Walk silently around the wall each day
Ignore their sneers as you go
Look and listen to only me
Stop looking at Jericho
No matter how big the giants are
They are not comparable to me
Do as I say and keep walking
And I’ll send you the victory!
Hebrews 11:30
It was by faith that the people of Israel marched around Jericho for seven days, and the walls came crashing down.